Two Horses In British Columbia.


Cracker News Broadcasting Corp. —- The OTHER CNBC

Dateline Washington D.C.  July 27 , 2010

It would appear that President Obama has FINALLY decided to listen to his people. Deportations of illegal aliens has been increasing dramatically over the last couple of months. CNBC sources have been able to confirm that all of these illegal aliens are actually NOT being deported but are being resettled in the 55th state.

When asked by CNBC for a comment on this policy POTUS said the following. ” Relocating our misplaced foreign travelers to our beautiful state of British Columbia will be good for all concerned. The bullfighting , Mariachi music  , Mexican restaurants and cocaine dealing that our Mexican Amigos bring to B.C. will create jobs for our American citizens while providing a path to citizenship for our guests.

May I have another Dos Equis please.”

Stay tuned to CNBC for more details as they emerge.

Reporting from Washington D.C. for  CNBC  Ricardo Juarez Arragon

4 Responses to Two Horses In British Columbia.

  1. Joy says:

    I’m not sure that the Canucks are ready for the Hispanic invasion…. They’ve had their own brand of every OTHER type of immigration – including illegal, of course – for years. BD is a beautiful province, and they probably COULD control the numbers – but only to a certain extent. In particular, tens? hundreds? of thousands of Asians (Far East & South) have immigrated to Canada – most legally, but many illegally as well. They have (as I’ve been told) a very successful “underground network/railway” that harbors many illegal foreigners in the large Asian enclaves of Vancouver and Toronto.

  2. Joy says:


  3. Paula Cracker Davis says:

    The pic of the food is just wrong. You need a pic of a plate with a helping of Chicken Fried Steak with gravy and two tacos. In Texas, this menu item is called the NAFTA Blue Plate Special.

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